SJ Hay

How Business Process Waste Kills Productivity

There's only one type of waste in a service organisation: work done that adds no value to your client and that makes up to 60% of all work done.

Who is the Autumnal Man?

The Autumnal Man is he who considers a change of

Six Steps to Increase Productive Capacity

Before you can consider increasing productivity, you need to increase your productive capacity.

The New Middle Management

If your position lies somewhere between the C-Suite and Team

Learn Business English

Learning Business English is crucial for non-English-speaking middle-aged men in positions of middle management.

Career Change Advice

Career change advice is usually geared to changing your career. Fair enough. But what if you cannot move? What then??

About this Site

"The Autumnal Man" is an independent publication launched in April 2024 by SJ Hay. Its gestation period has been long, very, very long...


If I were to wish for an obituary, this would be it (in present tense, because I’m not dead yet…)

Muay Thai Training

A truly profound experience; six weeks at Buakaw Village near Chiang Mai, learning Muay Thai and the Wai Kru Ram Muay

Redeeming Anarchism

The individualist-anarchist is against all forms of coercion and seeks an environment in which each individual can reach his or her full potential, in freedom.